September 15, 2022

The Thinking Football Summit 2022 announces its first panel

Gilberto Silva, Susana Torres and Kaite Bernardo will explore and debate the subject “Mental Health in High Performance Athletes”

The Thinking Football Summit 2022 announced the first panel of the event, which will focus on the increasingly relevant topic of the mental health of high-performance athletes. The panel will also count on the presence of former world football champion, Gilberto Silva, High Performance Coach, Susana Torres and CEO and founder of the Global Football Management, Kaite Bernardo.

The world of high-performance sports imposes a number of challenges that athletes need to deal with in order to achieve the goals they set themselves throughout their careers.

One of the issues, which for several decades was not a priority, and which is now being looked at with different eyes, is mental health.

According to a study conducted by the University of Toronto, about 41% of athletes on the Canadian National Teams, who were training for the Tokyo 2022 Olympic Games, were diagnosed with signs of depression.

At the Grand Professional Football Fair, you will have the opportunity to attend a debate full of experience and expertise, where the three speakers will address and analyze the secrets to dealing with the pressure existing in the world of high-performance sport.

Join us at the Thinking Football Summit 2022! You can buy your tickets HERE!
